His Story: Buford Pope

Can you take us back to the beginning? What are your earliest memories, and how do you think they’ve shaped who you are today?

” My genuine passion for music began in a record store at the age of 15 when a friend introduced me to Bob Dylan. I was completely captivated – I had never heard anyone sing with that kind of attitude before. It was a transformative experience and my introduction to the genre. However, it took another 15 years before I started composing my own music. Along the way, I’ve discovered other great storytellers and borrowed many of their skills. But I hope that in the end, it all comes out sounding like me ”

As you reflect on your life, are there any key moments or turning points that stand out to you? What made them significant?

” In my thirties, I went through a long period of indifference and boredom as life felt like simply getting in line and doing what everyone else was doing. I tried mindfulness and meditation, but ultimately, I found comfort in just sitting with my old out-of-tune guitar. That’s how it all started! ”

Who were the most influential people in your life, and how have they impacted your journey and development?

” I spent a lot of time with my grandad. Even though he struggled with addiction at times, we shared a deep bond. He taught me a lot about people, emphasizing that you can often understand them before you’ve even met. He warned about those who may try to take advantage, and, I must say, his insights were mostly correct. His commitment to self-preservation, going his own way, has always been something I admired. »

What challenges have you faced along the way, and how did you overcome them?

« As an artist, it’s very easy to be misled, as you often crave attention. I went through a period of teaming up with the wrong individuals. I finally realized I had to trust my instincts. As a human being, you will always struggle with setbacks, but sometimes they can lead to personal growth. I take a moment to reflect before deciding if an incident was truly as bad as I experienced it.”

If you were to pick a theme or a lesson that runs through your life story, what would it be?

” Learn to listen to your gut; if that doesn’t give you guidance, listen to your heart. If that approach fails as well, it might be wise to heed both. »

Are there specific accomplishments or milestones that you’re particularly proud of, and why do they hold such significance for you?

« Well, that varies from time to time. The final stages of completing an album are consistently intriguing and overwhelming. While I’ve conquered milestones, it only takes a few seconds to birth a new one once you’ve wrapped it up. »

Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the next chapter of your life story? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

« Just being able to continue composing music is a high point for me. Looking out my window and seeing what’s happening in the world, one should be happy for these little things. Even as you try harder to get where you want to be, I’ve come to the conclusion that life’s gotta be about happiness, so whatever you’re trying to accomplish, make sure that is the main goal. I’m still in the process of raising my two beloved sons. If I have transferred something genuine and good to them, that would make me very happy. ”

Thank you for having me in this interview; I sincerely appreciate your support. »