Her Story: Arye Harmony

Can you take us back to the beginning? What are your earliest memories, and how do you think
they’ve shaped who you are today?

My earliest memory dates in December 1992 I believe, back in Birmingham, AL, I’m listening to the Temptations Christmas album. Friends and family are over and I am dancing around the living room and busy being the center of attention. Haha. My mom shows everyone how well I know my colors, shapes and numbers. This shapes me because even though this didn’t happen often, I never lost that sense of family and knowing how important it is. Plus I feel I’ve always been an entertainer since then, so my life just naturally went in that direction. Even when I wanted to go into another.

As you reflect on your life, are there any key moments or turning points that stand out to you?
What made them significant?

Quite a few. Some bad family moments of disownment. My grandmother and great uncle (who I dubbed as my grandpa) passed away. I felt like I was losing my supporting beams to direct me in life. Declining a full on art scholarship and choosing another collage on a quarter scholarship (Ugh) was another. My life may have gone in a completely different direction and may have had less troubled curve balls if those and a few things were modified. Especially when I moved from Alabama to New York. Had to really stand on my own feet and make it work. Had a few tough times but it was fun and had many hard lessons. There are others but those would be my top 3.

Who were the most influential people in your life, and how have they impacted your journey and

My mom is number 1. We have been through a lot together. Great times, hard times, adventures, you name it. She was there at my games, hospital times, my encouragement, supported me even when she didn’t have anything to give. Most importantly, she kept me in the Word throughout my life.
My grandparents. They kept reminding me what life should be about and how to keep myself up.
My dad. He taught me basketball every chance he got and helped condition my mind and body to get through a lot of athleticism. He also helped get me through school to become a certified veterinary assistant.

What challenges have you faced along the way, and how did you overcome them?

Sheesh, we need a book here. Listing them all will not be the circumstance for this article but there once was a time, I had a music engineer that would not release my material to me for the longest because I refused to go on a date with him. He ended up releasing them after a long time but if I remember correctly, for other reasons I couldn’t release them and I ended up starting over with someone else.
Another time, I was fresh here in NY. For whatever reason, I kept getting fired from different jobs. That was a wild time. I didn’t have money to pay rent, but my cousin helped me out for a few months to get up on my feet. I remember one time I couldn’t afford an air conditioner. Haha!! Me and my cat Bronx were laid out in my room with every window and door open! Crazy times. However I finally ended up getting a job and was able to get on my feet. So many more but these are a good 2.

If you were to pick a theme or a lesson that runs through your life story, what would it be?

It would have to be Discernment.

Are there specific accomplishments or milestones that you’re particularly proud of, and why do
they hold such significance for you?

My Testing the Water Concert I headlined live in NYC. The whole production and marketing was done by me. There were openers, made sure there were dressing rooms, a ticket taker, everything. It was fun, exhausting, thrilling and had so many lessons in my first production. An experience I’ll never forget.
Going back to school and becoming certified in my field was one of the best decisions and accomplishments I’ve done and still looking to go further.

Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the next chapter of your life story?
What legacy do you want to leave behind?

My aspirations lead to my legacy. Which is to leave behind being a great friend, wonderful daughter, a fantastic wife, a phenomenal mother and a strong believer in God. In addition, a talented singer who loved to perform.