His Story: Doc STRANGE

Can you take us back to the beginning? What are your earliest memories, and how do you think
they’ve shaped who you are today?

– My earliest memories, as in life? I would say that it is mostly like any Black, working class,
small town family. Before my younger brother was born it was just me, my parent;s and our
dog, Sultan. My parent’s both worked in factories, 12 to 14 hours a day. I watched a lot of TV
and learned to be self sufficient at an early age. That classic upbringing affects how I raise my
kids now, that’s for sure. I make music that is different and wild at times, but my upbringing was
very conservative.

As you reflect on your life, are there any key moments or turning points that stand out to you?
What made them significant?

Going to college was an education, but so was going to jail. Both those places showed
me a huge amount about human nature and survival. I turned a corner as a human during both
those moments. I regret not finishing school, but I am equally proud of the fact my life is
squared up and I haven’t seen a jail cell in over 20 years. My street education is complete and

Who were the most influential people in your life, and how have they impacted your journey and

The most influential people in your life should be your parent’s, for better or worse. In my
case, I don’t judge my family for anything. I know for a fact any parent believes they are making
the ‘s. They are the best decision they can for a child, when they are in the midst of making
said decision. My parents are why I am hip to everything dope from the 70’s and 80’s. They are
why I have an attachment to science fiction and comic books. In hindsight, they provided a
traditional and stable environment to grow without pressure. I thank them for that forever.

What challenges have you faced along the way, and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge as an artist is being on the outside looking in, as far as the
business. Being “industry adjacent” so to speak. Dallas is not quite Atlanta,NYC or L.A. We
don’t have plugs running around ready to invest and collaborate on a fully functional level. The
few that are here are extremely cliquish and closed minded. The challenge is navigating that
terrain and still get your goals accomplished.

Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the next chapter of your life story?
What legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want to leave a catalog behind that inspires and motivates people to get busy. It’s that
simple. When I hear things that evoke a positive spirit, when I see or read something perfectly
executed to my taste, it awakens a child in me. It creates an energy that makes me want to
jump up and do SOMETHING. That is all I want to do for people.